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In recent weeks, multiple class-action grievances have seen their resolution in favor of OFNHP members at PeaceHealth Southwest Medical Center!


The Alliance of Health Care Unions (AHCU) announced its name today and its first hire: Executive Director Peter diCicco, founder and longtime Executive Director of the original Coalition of Kaiser Permanente Unions, from which the alliance unions withdrew last week.

“We’re excited that Peter’s joining us,” said Denise Duncan, RN, President of UNAC/UHCP. “There could be no more perfect choice. I was there when Peter first brought the unions at Kaiser into coalition and within a few years built a visionary labor-management partnership from the ground-up. He's tough, innovative, and his belief in

March 26, 2018 - On the recommendation of our OFNHP President and with the full support of our Executive Board, our AFT International President Randi Weingarten has withdrawn from the Coalition of Kaiser Permanente Unions to form a new coalition of unions representing over 50,000 union members working for Kaiser Permanente.
Our new alliance, coming together in the spirit of our original coalition, includes UNAC/UHCP, UFCW, Steelworkers, Teamsters, KPNAA (Nurse Anesthetists), Operating Engineers, and the ILWU.

The decision whether to endure more than a billion dollars in budget cuts or, instead, strengthen schools and other key public services is in the hands of Oregon voters. 

The decision whether to endure more than a billion dollars in budget cuts or, instead, strengthen schools and other key public services is in the hands of Oregon voters.  MORE
Two years ago, the full-time nontenure-track faculty at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign looked around and saw they needed a union to fight for better working and learning conditions. So they voted "union, yes!" and then dove into contract negotiations. Eighteen months later, when negotiations had stalled, they went on strike. And it worked. MORE

President Obama and the US Department of Labor unveiled new rules today that will make millions more people eligible to receive overtime pay. The new rules reflect a nation-wide effort spearheaded by the AFL-CIO, including gathering 25,000 signatures on a petition calling for overtime expansion.


The Professional Bargaining Unit of OFNHP won a case in arbitration that will help recoup from Kaiser a significant amount of money for the continuing education expenses of Pro members, including short hour and on call employees.


Update from the Oregon AFL-CIO

Earlier this week, union members and fair trade activists from across the country called Congress to flood the phone lines with one message: Stop the TPP.

If you didn’t get a chance to call, no worries: Just dial 1-855-856-7545 to get updated information and to be automatically connected with your Congressional Representative.

Why are we fighting so hard against the TPP? It’s not because working people oppose trade, it’s because we oppose free trade agreements, like NAFTA and the TPP, which ship our jobs overseas, lower our wages, and demolish environmental and


As the U.S. Supreme Court justices were hearing oral arguments in the case of Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association on Jan. 11, a large crowd of workers from across the country, joined by other pro-labor allies, gathered outside the court to urge the justices not to side with the wealthy interests pushing a case aimed at silencing workers' collective voice.