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Person smiling and holding an AFT Votes Kamala Harris sign.

Take a look at our complete list of political endorsements for 2024!


Political Education & Action Committee

The members of OFNHP are committed to putting the patient first. We believe that safe staffing, workplace safety, having a voice in healthcare reform, and social justice & workers rights are indispensable to the delivery of quality patient care. We meet on the fourth Thursday of every month from 7:00-8:30 PM.

What is PEAC?

The OFNHP Political Education and Action Committee (PEAC) has been hard at work building and securing relationships with our political allies. Over the past several months, numerous candidates have been interviewed by PEAC for endorsement. Each candidate was uniquely questioned to determine their stance on many important issues facing healthcare in our region. Below are all candidates that have all demonstrated a commitment to organized labor and willing to work with OFNHP (as well as our allied unions) to improve the health of the citizens we serve, the working conditions of healthcare workers across the region, and how healthcare is both managed and delivered. Many of these candidates are in fact already working with us to draft legislation in these areas! MORE

Political Education & Action Committee

The members of OFNHP are committed to putting the patient first. We believe that safe staffing, workplace safety, having a voice in healthcare reform, and social justice & workers rights are indispensable to the delivery of quality patient care. We meet on the fourth Thursday of every month from 7:00-8:30 PM.

What is PEAC?

Get involved in PEAC!

If you’re ready to take action for safe staffing, workplace safety, and healthcare for all, OFNHP’s Political Education and Action Committee needs you.

The committee meets on the fourth Thursday of the month.