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We are excited to host our first-ever social media activism training! As many of you have seen, we often take action online at the same time we engage in worksite actions as a way of enhancing and broadening the visibility of our message. These actions often include members posting on their own personal social media using features like "tagging" and "hashtags" to help connect the various posts. But if you have never engaged in this kind of social media activity, these features might be entirely new to you.

So we have created a short training you can attend to learn how you can participate in

ALC attendees holding a group photo, fist raised in the air!

Here is a report back from the Alliance Leadership Conference this year, where we collaborated to build a unified campaign to win a great contract in 2025. 

Labcorp workers celebrating their victory.

Around 120 Labcorp laboratory workers serving Providence Portland won their union election yesterday evening, with over 77% of workers voting “Yes” and nearly 90% turning out for the vote. These healthcare workers chose to join the nearly 7,000 member Oregon Federation of Nurses and Health Professionals (OFNHP), a local affiliate of the 1.8 million member AFT national union. These lab workers are employed by the for-profit company Labcorp, which is contracted by Providence to provide the Portland hospital’s lab services.

“We are incredibly excited about this victory, and looking forward to

Lab worker

Vote Yes: A Message from Labcorp Providence Laboratory Workers

We are the laboratory workers at Labcorp Providence who are voting "YES" on our upcoming union election, which will determine whether or not we are able to have union representation in our workplace. We are writing to share a little bit about why we as the laboratory workers serving Providence at Labcorp have chosen to form this union, and to give our community a window into what our lives are like as healthcare workers. Our healthcare system has been stretched to the limit these past few years, and we have seen first hand the

A lab worker performing duties.

In a letter signed by Kaiser Lab Pros, also represented by OFNHP, they discuss what a difference having a union has created and what it means to act collectively to improve our care system.

Demand that Kaiser Pay Respiratory Therapists a Living Wage!

Right now, Kaiser Permanente Northwest is dramatically understaffed of Respiratory Therapists because their wages are far below market and similar regions. The only way to solve this problem and to establish safe staffing and a dependable future for patient care is to bargain over market adjustments to bring RT wages to a competitive level. Sign and send the below letter to let Kaiser leadership know that you are demanding they bargain with the union to raise the wages.

That is why they are asking all of their supporters to add their name to this letter campaign, which sends an email to Kaiser