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Performance Sharing Program Updates

At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, we called on Kaiser Permanente to revisit the Performance Sharing Program (PSP) goals bargained under pre-pandemic conditions. Click here to view Kaiser's 2020 Performance Sharing Program goals for our region. 
Since the onset of the pandemic, there have been multiple examples from across the country validating the concerns the Alliance first raised in April.  For the past few weeks, OFNHP and the Alliance of Health Care Unions have pressed on Kaiser and finally reached an agreement on the 2020 PSP goals for the Alliance in the NW region. 
In the spirit of the Labor Management Partnership, we believe we should share in the organization’s on-going success. We have faced this difficult pandemic with dedication, courage, and resiliency and together we have ensured KP’s continued success.
In the coming days, we will follow up with next steps regarding the guaranteed full payout for the PSP goals. And while the Alliance continues to push for a national solution to the effects of the pandemic on PSP, OFNHP members will be working toward success on the agreed goals to continue to make KP the best place to work and the best place to receive care.

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