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We Are Voting Union YES at Labcorp Providence

Vote Yes: A Message from Labcorp Providence Laboratory Workers

We are the laboratory workers at Labcorp Providence who are voting "YES" on our upcoming union election, which will determine whether or not we are able to have union representation in our workplace. We are writing to share a little bit about why we as the laboratory workers serving Providence at Labcorp have chosen to form this union, and to give our community a window into what our lives are like as healthcare workers. Our healthcare system has been stretched to the limit these past few years, and we have seen first hand the difference that healthcare professionals can make in our patients' lives. This is why most of us entered this profession in the first place: we wanted to use our skills to give back to the community.

We serve in the lab running vital tests and allowing deeper insight into our patient's healthcare conditions, ensuring they receive the best possible treatments and that their care remains monitored. We test for illnesses ranging from COVID to cancer. We make sure you are responding safely to medications. We tell you when something might be wrong. A well functioning healthcare system depends on an efficient, well trained and supported lab, and that is what our patients deserve.

Since Providence sold its lab to Labcorp, a for-profit company that comes from the East Coast, our wages have become stagnant, we have been critically short staffed, and we have been dramatically overworked. We are tasked with running so many tests and serving so many patients that we are concerned over the future of the care and services we offer, and we know that a change is necessary.

This is why we have chosen to unionize with the Oregon Federation of Nurses and Health Professionals (OFNHP), which represents other Labcorp workers and lab professionals at places like Kaiser Permanente and PeaceHealth. Whenever workers come together to solve a problem collectively that they could not solve alone, they are acting as a union, and all

of us have come together to fix the issues at Labcorp and to chart out a better

future for all of us.

A healthcare union is the best way to stabilize the future of patient care, to create longevity at our healthcare facilities, and to build the trust we need with patients. That is why we are speaking out and asking for your support. As we advocate for changes in our workplace, we do so in the same spirit of partnership as we approach every day in our lab. We will continue to share this journey with all of you and will let you know when and how you can support us.

The time has come to advocate for the kind of healthcare system that leaves no worker or patient behind, and that future will depend on what kinds of collaborations we build today. Let's fight together for the kind of lab services our community deserves.

Signed by:

| Allister Brister-Smith | Darryl Touchet | Patricia Chanton |

| Reed Esquivel | Megan Hendon | Daniel Ng |

| Kelli Greaves | Nicholas Houpt | Caitlin Mckune |

| Rambha Anand | Samantha Horton | Rachael Rader |

| Thy Nguyen | Nevaeh Cole | Spencer Chartrand |

| Ashlee Robinson | Erika Clark | Destiny Perkins |

| Jacob Sinicki | Jo Castaneda | Olivia Barnes |

| Stephen Thompson | Krislynn Jost | Nebiat Abraham |

| Lynne Rule | Mackie Pitcher | Jean Drenoske |

| Olivia Wilson | Yuhuan Li | Pamela Stanton |

| Jackson Roth | Christopher Brawner | Ashlynne Bonner |

| Gladys Flores | Jennifer Rousseau | Jeffrey Willis |

| Quinn Duby | Awaleen Choudhry | Justin S. Earles |

| Cody Peterson | Bill Stewart | Marie Thompson |

| Kendyl Craney | Danesa Quintero | Keri Watts |

| Breann Jeffries | Sharon O'Donnell | Adelina Costa |

| Vy Hua | Ren Graham | Christy Davis |

| Matthew Snyder | Ryo Hirayama | Angela Howard |

| Jon Gassaway | Chandler Sherwood | Shaun Lyman |

| Mario Righero | Vail Terhune | Estifanos Tesfai |

| Diala Bdour | Kimmy Rozzell | Aimee O'Neal |

| Steve Hessler | Elitania Dominguez Chanocua | Tygah Sims |

| Lindsay Lloyd | Wendy Snodgrass | Quinn Summers |

| Tomomi Davidson |

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