By Chris Stafford Ortho Tech steward SMC/SYB
Kaiser Orthopedic Technologists have been speaking up and fighting for restoration of safe orthopedic and podiatric care. We are standing in lockstep with our provider and allied staff partners voicing our collective concern and outrage via our, “We care, KP Exploits it!” wristband campaign and our safe staffing petition. Despite these actions Non Clinically Trained KP administrators Bo Lockhart and Tony Juarez have targeted Orthopedic Technologists and our highly valued technical skills in the name of profits over safe patient care.
Prior to these changes KP set the bar in our communities for Orthopedic and Podiatric care by having Orthopedic Technologists available 24/7/365 via standby to serve our patients. Kaiser NW Orthopedic Technologists are an extension of Orthopedic and Podiatry providers and have been since the days of Bess Kaiser. Our specialized training ensures that each patient’s injury receives the proper splint, cast, or device and that they’re properly fit in the correct position.
We believe these reckless changes have and will result in delayed and or denied care for our patients, injuries to patients and unnecessary costs to patients and KP.
Some examples of this are:
- Permanent deformities of patients extremities due to improper fracture reduction/splinting
- EDs and inpatient units holding patients overnight/over the weekend to receive care when a Orthopedic Technologist comes on duty,
- Surgical intervention that would not have been needed with proper fracture reduction/splinting
- Our Anesthesia partners performing nerve blocks for pain control that would not have been necessary if the patient’s injury were properly splinted
We have attempted to work in partnership and put forward several common sense proposals to have 24/7/365 coverage while reducing overtime cost to KP. Rather than work in partnership and honor our CBA, KP’s response has been gaslighting, refusal to fill open shifts, denied time off, and overall disrespect.
How can you help? We ask that you stand in solidarity with us by speaking up if you see our work being done improperly by non trained individuals. Follow KP policy by submitting a close call, patient injury or delay of care report. If you are a provider please speak out for patient care. Sign our petition. Link provided: We Demand Safe Staffing for Orthopedic Technologists.