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Join Our Social Media Training On March 5th

We are excited to host our first-ever social media activism training! As many of you have seen, we often take action online at the same time we engage in worksite actions as a way of enhancing and broadening the visibility of our message. These actions often include members posting on their own personal social media using features like "tagging" and "hashtags" to help connect the various posts. But if you have never engaged in this kind of social media activity, these features might be entirely new to you.

So we have created a short training you can attend to learn how you can participate in social media activism during our Kaiser campaign and, especially, during our upcoming sticker action on March 12th-14th. Use the Zoom link below on March 5th at 6pm and you can attend our training and find out what kinds of actions members might be taking on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, X, WhatsApp, and TikTok, and what role you can have in that work. This will be especially useful for CATs as you will be connecting with members and showing them how to participate in our campaign.

Use the Zoom information to join and this session will be recorded so we can share the video with those who were unable to make it.

Topic: Social media training

Time: Mar 5, 2025 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 868 8258 9118

Passcode: OFNHP


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