Contract bargaining is approaching and you have the opportunity to have a voice in your collective bargaining process.
In preparing for the work ahead, we need your authority, as members, to form and designate your bargaining team for 2015.
Please join us!
Tuesday, December 9th, 2014
from 7-9pm
OFNHP Office (map)
1500 NE Irving St, Suite 575, Portland OR
At this meeting, we will vote for five members of the Technical Bargaining Unit to be our local bargaining team. This is a critical first step in the process that will help affect change in the Technical Employees Contract.
If you have interest in being on the bargaining team, have been through Nuts & Bolts class, and have experience in any or all of the following areas (being a steward, participating in your UBT, working as an RRA committee member, supporting an issue resolution or taking part in interest based bargaining) please let us know.
Our Technical Bargaining Unit needs your time and expertise! Join us on December 9th and become part of the solution.
RSVP to with your name and worksite.